Dream, believe, achieve...
The Centre of Excellence
The National Centre for Flexible Electronics (NCFlexE) was set up as a Centre of Excellence at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in 2014 with financial support from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, and IIT Kanpur. The vision of this Centre is to catalyse the development of domestic industry in the field of large area flexible electronics, and this vision is being executed with the Centre serving as a bridge between the academic ecosystem and the industrial ecosystem.
Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics that serves as a foundation for development of domestic industry in this field.
Conduct basic studies and scientific investigations relevant to field of large area flexible electronics.
Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics by developing partnership with industry and with a view that potentially leads to manufacturing.
Facilitate formation of industrial ecosystem by addressing various aspects, products, materials and machines and academic ecosystem by engaging with reputed centers internationally and individuals nationally.
Incubate small scale industry related to flexible electronics.
Build strategic partnerships that hasten the development cycle.
Undertake human resource development in relevant area.